Model of the lower teeth

“What are the hardest teeth to do root canals on?” And Other FAQs about Endodontic Treatment

Root canal therapy, or endodontic treatment, has an unfortunate reputation. Say the words, and most people conjure up images of highly uncomfortable, invasive treatment. In reality, however, root canals are simple, safe, procedures that involve little discomfort. They are an important part of restorative dentistry because they can often save even severely damaged teeth.  At…

baby chewing on a blanket

Dentist in Duncan, OK, Explains Everything You Need to Know about Teething and Tooth Eruption

The word “teething” immediately conjures images of screaming babies, cranky toddlers, and sleepless nights. Fortunately, teething isn’t always the nightmare it’s made out to be. And knowing what to expect can make the process a lot easier for everyone. That’s why your Duncan dentist is committed to patient education, as well as great clinical care.…

black woman looking back and smiling

Does DIY teeth whitening really work?

If asked, nearly everyone would say they want a whiter smile. So when they hear about do-it-yourself, often holistic, teeth whitening methods, many jump at the chance to achieve their goals. But are these methods too good to be true? In reality, some at-home whitening methods achieve minor to moderate results. Others, however, have no…