Dr. Matthew J. Bridges delivers excellent dental care to adults, as well as children, in his Duncan, OK dentist practice. His expertise extends to treat general, restorative, orthodontic cosmetic, and prosthetic dentistry patients, as well as sleep apnea and snoring patients. He has experience successfully treating patients with TMJ Disorders, TMD, and airway issues caused by dental issues and oral composition. He and his family live in Duncan, and his hobbies include home improvement and software development.

Duncan, OK general dentist

Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

Throbbing severe pain usually indicates an infected tooth and cavity, but there are many types of tooth pain that do not fit this category. Sensitive teeth are sometimes a natural result of the aging process, but they can also indicate a condition that requires attention from your dentist. Do hot and cold beverages make you…

dental implants

Why Choose Implant Dentures?

If someone you care about has suffered tooth loss, dentures may be on your mind for the first time. If you are just starting to learn about the world of prosthetic teeth, you should take the time to learn about the differences between conventional dentures and implant-supported dentures. Are you thinking about putting your ongoing…