how dentures are made

How Are Dentures Made?

If you’ve lost most of your teeth or need most of your teeth extracted due to dental health issues, Dr. Matthew Bridges may recommend replacing all of your teeth with dentures. Modern dentures are comfortable, look natural, and can improve your quality of life, as well as your oral and overall health. If you’re considering…

Mold for creating realistic dentures

Not Your Grampa’s False Teeth! Modern Techniques for Remarkably Realistic Dentures

Say the word “dentures,” and, like many people, you may have cartoonish images pop into your head. Picturing old, outdated prosthetics, you believe that dentures are uncomfortable and fake-looking. Fortunately, innovations in restorative dentistry mean that today’s practitioners can offer remarkably realistic dentures! At Chisholm Trail Smile Center, Dr. Matthew Bridges combines cutting-edge techniques and…

Smiling senior wondering, "What type of dentist does dentures?"

What type of dentist does dentures?

If you are missing all or many of your teeth, you may be wondering, “What type of dentist does dentures?” Since dentures are a common restorative dentistry option, most dental practitioners can provide these prosthetics. However, not every dentist offers the same quality in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Further, not all dentists offer advanced…

7 FAQs about Dentures

Dentures are removable appliances that restore the function and appearance of your smile. If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, then custom dentures are a great restorative option. But, how do you know if dentures are right for you? In this article, we’ll address several frequently asked questions about dentures so that you’ll…