Woman with her hands on her head

10 Uncommon Causes of a Toothache

When we think of a toothache, the first culprits that come to mind are usually things that require restorative dentistry, like cavities, gum disease, or dental trauma. While these are indeed the most common causes of dental discomfort, there exists a world of uncommon triggers for toothaches that often go ignored or unnoticed. In this…

Illustration of a dental crown being placed on a prepared tooth

Natural-Looking Restorative Dentistry in Duncan

Dental work doesn’t need to be obvious. With a focus on both dental health and esthetics, Dr. Matthew Bridges provides natural-looking restorations as an alternative to what was available in previous generations of restorative dentistry–obvious metal dental fillings, crowns, and bridgework.  You should never feel indulgent or selfish for wanting an attractive, natural-looking smile. Studies…

A 3D illustration of how dental implants embed into the jawbone

Dental Implants: Exploring the Potential Downsides

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, providing a durable and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. However, like any medical procedure, there are potential downsides to consider.  If you’re considering tooth implants, then it’s important to talk to a trusted and experienced dentist in Duncan, OK, first. Come discuss the procedure with Dr.…