Illustration of a dental crown being placed on a prepared tooth

Natural-Looking Restorative Dentistry in Duncan

Dental work doesn’t need to be obvious. With a focus on both dental health and esthetics, Dr. Matthew Bridges provides natural-looking restorations as an alternative to what was available in previous generations of restorative dentistry–obvious metal dental fillings, crowns, and bridgework.  You should never feel indulgent or selfish for wanting an attractive, natural-looking smile. Studies…

Illustration of four porcelain veneers goin on front, lower teeth

Who Needs Porcelain Veneers?

As an alternative or adjunct to cosmetic surgery, porcelain veneers could take five to 10 years off your appearance. With good oral health and proper daily dental care, head-turning porcelain veneers can last 20 years or longer. Made of thin layers of porcelain, veneers look natural and can endure the pressure of biting and chewing…