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The word “teething” immediately conjures images of screaming babies, cranky toddlers, and sleepless nights. Fortunately, teething isn’t always the nightmare it’s made out to be. And knowing what to expect can make the process a lot easier for everyone. That’s why your Duncan dentist is committed to patient education, as well as great clinical care. In fact, you should have a trusted dentist in Duncan, OK, already lined up before your child’s teeth start to come in.

At Chisholm Trail Smile Center, Dr. Matthew Bridges treats patients of all ages. Offering a full array of treatment options for the whole family, we truly provide comprehensive and compassionate care. Further, when your whole family has the same dental home, it can make visits easier, more convenient, and more comfortable for everyone.

Contact us to schedule your family’s appointments with an outstanding dentist in Duncan, OK.

When do children start teething?

Children typically start teething around 6 months of age. However, this is different for each child. Some begin as early as 3 or 4 months, while others may not have any teeth until they are closer to their first birthdays.

Usually, the first teeth to come in are the two bottom front teeth. Teething will continue until the second molars come in, somewhere around 24 months.

When do children lose their baby teeth?

Most children begin losing their baby teeth around age 6 or 7. Some children begin losing their primary teeth as early as age 4. This is not a cause for concern unless your child has sustained infection or dental trauma that has caused premature tooth loss. 

Around the time your child starts losing her first teeth, she will also gain her first permanent molars, aka, “the six-year molars.”

How can I alleviate teething pain?

For infants and toddlers, gum massages and rubber teethers can be quite effective. Just be sure to avoid liquid-filled teethers. And though you can chill them in the fridge, don’t place teethers in the freezer.

Children who have already started solids may enjoy teething biscuits. Older toddlers who are cutting their two-year molars can find relief with cold, crunchy produce. Obviously make sure it is cut appropriately and is not a choking hazard.

You can also check with your pediatrician about pain relievers.

How do I care for my child’s baby teeth?

It comes as a surprise to many parents, but you need to start brushing as soon as those first baby teeth come in. Use a soft brush with a smear of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice. 

Diet also plays an important role in dental health. Juice is actually the biggest culprit when it comes to pediatric tooth decay. That’s one reason that the American Association of Pediatrics recommends avoiding juice entirely before the first birthday and strictly limiting it after that.

Finally, it’s important to schedule an appointment with a dentist in Duncan, OK, no more than six months after the first tooth appears. He can monitor your child’s tooth development, look for any potential problems, and provide further guidance on maintaining dental health at home.

Contact a Dentist in Duncan, OK

To book an appointment for your child, contact Chisholm Trail Smile Center today.

Reach us via our website or call us at 580-255-4880.


The post Dentist in Duncan, OK, Explains Everything You Need to Know about Teething and Tooth Eruption appeared first on Chisholm Trail.
