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The holidays are ending soon, and the time for new resolutions is now. According to statistics, most American adults will commit to losing weight, eating healthier, and/or saving more money. Kids need goals, too, and just as we’re more likely to continue our resolutions if we have moral support and reminders, our children will follow suit. As a family dentist in Duncan, Dr. Bridges helps kids from Marlow and across Central Oklahoma develop healthy dental habits. He recommends that you talk with your kiddos about healthy habits and let them make a New Year’s resolution right alongside you.

One of the easiest resolutions for elementary and preschool children is a pledge to brush their teeth morning and night. Not only is this a simple task to achieve, but it will go a long way toward preventing cavities – which are caused by dental caries, the leading disease in children across the globe. The Colgate website states that 2.1 days of school per year are missed, per child, due to dental issues. Don’t let this be your child’s future in 2019!

These three steps can help you teach your little one how to make a goal and achieve it, while boosting healthy habits and big smiles.

Plan for Good Planning

Before you even begin a conversation with your kids, plan! See these printable teeth brushing charts on Pinterest and have the link ready for reference when you get to step #3 on this list. Purchase some small stickers or a set of markers for your children to use on the charts.

Also, make your resolutions first. They’ll be a point of interest when you’re asking your child to make his or her own commitment.

Talk About Resolutions

Ask if your child has heard about New Year’s resolutions and discuss what they are. Talk about the importance of setting, striving for, and achieving goals in life. Be sure to mention, goal setting can come with incentives! Plan a healthy way to celebrate when your child sees his New Year’s resolution through to completion.

Next, share your resolution with your kiddo. (They will hold you accountable!) Offer a few sample resolutions that will easily be achieved for your child, over the course of 30-60 days. Guide the goal setting toward teeth brushing, twice daily. If your mini-me wants to set bigger goals, suggest tackling this smaller one first to learn and gain experience.

Follow Through with Moral Support

As you’ve heard, leading by example is paramount to good teaching. So, when you brush your teeth in the morning and after dinner, do it with the kids. They’ll appreciate the attention and mimic your actions. Try to brush for at least 2 minutes, and rinse thoroughly afterward.

Re-visit those brushing charts with your kids, and let them select their favorites. Print them together and provide either a favorite colored marker or stickers to mark achievements.

Once your children have reached their goal of brushing twice a day for 4 to 8 weeks, celebrate!

The Family Dentist for Your Family

Chisholm Trail Smile Center is located in Duncan, Oklahoma and serves patients from Marlow and across the Central Oklahoma area. If you need a family dentist or would like to learn more about our dental office, call (580) 255-4880.

The post 3 Tips for Teaching Kids About New Year’s Resolutions appeared first on Chisholm Trail.
